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New member
Feb 18, 2025
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What's up everyone? I'm super green in the carding world, like newborn, and I want to learn the trade like it's the last thing I'll ever do. I'm too broken to work any physical labor jobs anymore and my ADD is so fucking bad I can't sit in a office all day or stand up behind a cash register or grill anymore.... But sitting behind a computer doing black hat slide, the adrenaline rush is there that's that's what I need My self hatred and lack of body preservation due to the massive amounts of the damn near every elicit drug ever made has finally caught up with me and it is crashing down hard. Becoming successful in the carding world is my way out, my road to peace, and I have never been more ready to dive into something in my entire life. I want to be in. And I don't know how to card yet or use any programs. Hell, I can't even fucking set up a proxy server yet LOL I'm still trying to figure that shit out, but I do have a few addresses in my local area that are perfect for drops and I would be more than happy to redirect them to wherever it may need to go. I was also wondering if skimmers were still used? Because I would flood my whole city if needed. I don't know how to go about offering a service like that but if anybody needs any help I want to be here, I want to be useful, because it's either learn this and become financially okay, finally for once in my life or fly with the birds because I don't know what else to do anymore. Anyways nice to meet you guys and I hope this is the beginning of a very good relationship. Oh and I know a big shot here with zero sec that I would love to see get knocked down. 😁