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  1. F

    AceDeals on Telegram, contact @saigor564, Bank logs, CCs, money transfer, ebay & amazon accounts, free products & FTID course

    🖥🏦💰 Revolut £2000 Account Balance - £250 ✔️ Login to this account and withdraw the balance, now! A fresh, functional log with ease of use. The account is tested and ready to be cashed out. We provide a try before you buy payment option; you can test the login details and observe they are...
  2. T


    ### Introduction to Carding Carding is the unauthorized use of a credit or debit card by a person (referred to as a carder) to make purchases. This illegal activity involves multiple technical components and steps to avoid detection and successfully carry out transactions. ### Key...
  3. M

    Are You a Carder? Lets make a SuperChat

    I know there is no one can do card in these days but still i am posting this.... I have Monetized youtube channel.... If you are a real carder then come and talk to me (telegram @gloomy_groot) The credited revenue will be shared 50/50. I will not take any risk with any investment...... If you...
  4. M


    Hello , mrgroot here This is regarding business . In this scamming market of India everyone is looking for genuine carder and real product. I have a good network that's why I am asking for someone who can do this business perfectly without any hesitation. One sample parcel have to send here...
  5. M

    Any Real Carder Outside of India Want to Long term Deal?

    Hello , mrgroot here This is regarding business . In this scamming market of India everyone is looking for genuine carder and real product. I have a good network that's why I am asking for someone who can do this business perfectly without any hesitation. One sample parcel have to send here...